36th Street




Remove existing concrete white topping and underlying HMA and place full depth non-reinforced concrete pavement within intersection and in all 4 directions. Phase construction to maintain 2-way traffic. Cost share with City of Kentwood. 


Phase I:
September 16 - October 4 (schedule subject to change)

East Leg of 36th Street and East Side of Patterson Avenue

  • 36th Street will be closed to all traffic 
  • 36th Street WB traffic detoured to Kraft Ave - 33rd St - Patterson Ave
  • 36th Street EB traffic detoured to Broadmoor (M-37) - 44th St - Patterson Ave
  • All turns from Patterson Avenue prohibited
  • Expect delays on single-lane Patterson Avenue

Phase II 
October 5 - October 25 (schedule subject to change)

West Leg of 36th Street and West Side of Patterson Avenue

  • 36th Street east of Patterson Avenue reopened to EB traffic (remains closed to WB traffic)
  • 36th Street west of Patterson Avenue closed to all traffic
  • 36th Street traffic detoured to Broadmoor Ave (M-37) - 44th St - Patterson Ave
  • Right turns from SB Patterson Avenue to WB 36th prohibited
  • Left turns from Patterson Avenue to 36th St prohibited
  • Expect delays on single-lane Patterson Avenue